Random Options

"Name" field:
Leave the dropdown as "Random" if you'd like to generate a Star-Wars-styled, species-appropriate random name. Select "Enter my own" if you'd like to input a custom name.

"Species" field:
Leave the dropdown as "Random" if you'd like to generate a random species from any of the FFG-published species. Select "Enter my own" (or one of the listed species) if you'd like to input a specific species (custom or FFG-published).

"Location" field:
Leave the dropdown as "Random" if you'd like to generate a fully random character class/occupation. Select from among the listed choices to select a location archetype, which will generate characters weighted to their likelihood of appearing in that type of location. For example, if you select "Spaceport," you will be very likely to see pilots, crew, and maintenance personnel, and there will be a slightly greater-than-average chance to see law enforcement personnel.

Other Options

"Next/Prev" buttons:
Tap these buttons to toggle between basic character descriptions and more detail.

"Export" button:
Click this to export character data in an .xml document for import into OggDude's GM Tools (part of the character generator).


This is still a work-in-progress. More features to come! Please let me know if you see anything you'd like added/changed. Feel free to let me know either on the home page of my EotE site, or send me an e-mail here.