•Designed and written three modules •Designed and drawn several 2D maps •Written an Android tool for use with the game
Working with Edge of the Empire, a Star Wars pen-and-paper RPG, is slightly off-the-beaten-path for me. At some point, though, I decided that it would be
useful to have some practice in a traditional RPG to better understand
the relationship between player decisions and player expectations.
What this experience has reinforced in me is the understanding that
player experience - versus design intent - is paramount. That's not to
speak of the omnipresent "say 'yes,' and" or "say 'yes, but" - what
I mean is that, for me, it's really easy to get my head stuck in a
place that revels in the sanctity of my own design to the (possible) detriment of the player's enjoyment.
playing a game where making changes is both easy and quick, It became
easy to justify (to myself) making changes to my original design to
test them out, and in doing so, I was able to see where design
decisions needed to give to make the experience a more positive one for
the player.
Additionally, working in a traditional RPG has shined a light on
the spectrum ranging from open-world to linear design. It's not to say,
of course, that this represents new information (to me or anyone),
but seeing how different types of players react to different types of
worlds (linear, freeform, or some- -where in between) and how those desires change as a game progresses has been a beneficial exercise.