Note: If you’re having slowness issues on the main page, please let me know. A visitor informed me that he saw an issue, and I’ve made some changes. If issues are persistent, give me a heads-up – thanks!

To follow up with a lot of the work I did for One Shot First, I’ve finished up the deckplans I started for the ships included (and not included!) in the book. Some of these (the smaller ships) you may have seen, if you’ve run through the adventures in One Shot First. Many of these, however, are brand new.

The majority of the vessels are of One Shot First vintage:

-Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser (Large Craft), in deckplan form instead of map form
-Barloz-class Medium Freighter (Medium Craft)
-APC-2 Hovernaut (Medium Craft)
-JX-40 Jailspeeder (Small Craft)
-JR-4 Swoop (Small Craft)
-G-1A Starfighter (Small Craft)
-Toscan 8-Q Starfighter (Small Craft)

Two are vessels I started to make as deckplans for One Shot First before I was informed that they’d already been included in official sourcebooks. I wasn’t really interested in doing repeats of FFG material (although it was much to my chagrin that it happened twice after I’d finished each version!), so I didn’t include these transports with One Shot First.

-YKL-37R Nova Courier (Medium Craft)
-YT-1760 Small Transport (Medium Craft)

And the remaining deckplan is one I’d already made the exterior for as a map prop, but I hadn’t released it nor had I done the interior. It’s nothing huge, but why not throw it into the mix?

-Jumpmaster 5000 (Medium Craft)

And that’s all ten! Enjoy.

6 Responses to “A fleet of ships lands – ten new deckplans added to the site”

  1. Chad W

    Man I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate all of your work. As a GM it makes my job so much easier to to have such detailed ships and maps to tell stories with. Nothing beats seeing my groups eyes light up when I reveal one of your ships or a map that they will be playing on. I sent you a pic of my group using the maps on a LCD tv that we use as a table top about a month or so ago over on the FFG forums. I have this page bookmarked and always come by to check for new content and was thrilled when I saw you posted some of your new work. I just wanted to say keep up the good work and as long as I GM for Star Wars groups I will be using your maps and ships!

  2. Peter Thompson


    Thanks very much! It’s rewarding to hear that you and your group enjoy my work. I enjoyed the picture you sent and I think the setup you showed is a fantastic one – it looks like a lot of fun!

  3. Steven

    This stuff is great! I’ve been GMing EotE for about a year now and I’ve seen your name on FFG forums, but never made it to your site. Hugely helpful and awesome. Thanks!

  4. Steven

    Edit – Holy crap, I just realized you were the one who wrote “Echoes of the Past”. I ‘just’ ran that with my group and I loved it! I found it on a different site, so I didn’t even realize you had your own site. I just visited your module page and am 100% going to have to read through and run another one of your stories.

    Not to self promote, but our 9 hours of playthrough were streamed and are up on youtube.

    Again, many thanks and keep up the great work!

  5. Peter Thompson


    Glad you enjoyed! I actually had someone point out your playthrough of the module to me, and I’ve seen it. Self-promote all you want! (Especially if you get around to running through one of my other modules.) It’s always a lot of fun seeing playthroughs of my work. “Echoes” was a little rough around the edges, but each piece gets a little more polished than the last. I’d love to see a playthrough of Primal Enterprise or One Shot First!

  6. Gabriel


    I just want to say that your work is amazing. I just want to know, which platform/program do you use to create the ship and area maps? Do you use a certain resource pack or did you hand-crafted everything yourself?

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