Thanks to a user request at the FFG forums, I decided to throw up an updates page onto my EotE resources site. This’ll be an experiment, and maybe it’ll evolve into something better. This is a quick hackjob that integrates WordPress features directly into the site, and, full disclosure, I have no idea what I’m doing here. We’ll see if this works.
May 18th, 2014 - 6:58 pm
Dear Mr Thompson,
via Twitter I have learned about your awesome and incredible works you share on your website. Do you use Twitter, and would you mind telling your fans how to get in touch with you via Twitter?
I habe recently picked up Twitter and am affiliated with the Madadventurers Society, which is dedicated to all things roleplaying games. If you are interested, try to catch up with me on Twitter: @AntonausAllerwe (Twitter did not allow longer names than that …)
Best wishes!
May 19th, 2014 - 4:40 am
Hate to disappoint, but I don’t use Twitter. If you’d like to drop me a line, feel free to here!
May 21st, 2014 - 6:14 pm
Hello Peter,
thank you very much for your quick response.
No disappointment at all. In fact I like it that people care more for content than for social media insanity.
Best wishes!