There are several small changes/updates in this larger update. The first thing you may notice (or not) is that I’ve made some subtle changes to the site. A lot of it was behind the curtain (just optimizing/cleaning up things), but I did slightly change some of the UI elements and update the menu bar to stick to the page, making the navigation a touch more responsive. Please let me know if you see any oddities in the site – thanks!

I’ve also made a handful of small-sized craft for a project I was working on – they’ve been added to the Small Craft section. There you can find the new H-2 Executive Shuttle (which fills the interesting niche of small, inexpensive shuttle), an “ugly” starfighter (a Z-95/TIE hybrid) and a Z-95 Headhunter (which I made because I wanted the parts to make the ugly with).

I’ve also had a couple requests regarding ship layouts and making certain things available. It took me a little longer to get those done than I had anticipated, but they’re up on the site now. Added to the VCX-100 and the Space Master Medium Transport is an image of the externals of the craft only (requested by Busboy80), and added to the Gozanti cruiser (and a much more substantial change) is the Imperial military refit (requested by That Blasted Samoflange).

Enjoy, and as always, feedback is appreciated. Thanks!

2 Responses to “Site changes, new vehicles, requests fulfilled”

  1. Busboy80

    Holy cow, these look so good. Thank you very much!

  2. Zan

    Great site update, with the UI tweaks it’s helps navigating the site a lot better now 😀 I’m not really sure where or if we can request ships, but I’d love to get my hands on a Firespray System Patrol Craft layout. Keep up the good work!

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