It’s been a busy past couple of months at work, and I haven’t had the time to make new stuff for EotE/SWRPG as often as I’d like. Sorry!

However, I have had the opportunity in the interim to work with the guys over at Fandom Comics on a module (“Escape From Smuggler’s Hold”) for the d20radio Kickstarter. I did all the map work for the module, and everyone involved did a great job in making something that looks polished.

Because this is a d20radio-backer-exclusive module, I can’t put the maps up right away (although they’ll end up here eventually, too). If you’re a backer at d20radio, though, I’d encourage you to check out the module when it goes up in the backer zone. There have already been a couple of parts and pieces I made specifically for this module go up on this site, and I’ll probably make a few extra things that go with the module and put them up here too. Keep your eyes peeled!

5 Responses to “Something new coming down the pipe”

  1. Osprey

    Hey Peter, the website is looking great, and congrats on the work that you have picked up. I had a fellow EotE player asking if anyone has seen deck plans for a Aurore-class freighters also known as a Zygarian Slave Ship and immediately thought of you. Is there anyway you could come up with one when you get a chance?

  2. Peter Thompson

    Hey, can’t make any promises, but I’ll take a look. I’ll have to revisit those episodes to really get a handle on that design. Is there a particular feature(s) of that freighter that your player is looking for? I’d hate to interpret the design and picture something differently than your player had in mind.

  3. Osprey

    There are some stats built and posted on the FFG site but no one knows what the deck plans even look like.

  4. Peter Thompson

    Gotcha – stats are pretty meaningless (and I’ll end up making my own stats for this anyway) because anyone can make them. I’ve already taken a look at those stats anyway, and I don’t agree with the Silhouette (but don’t even get me started on Silhouettes – no one even bothers for any sort of consistency or continuity regarding those). I wasn’t sure if you or your players had specific requirements from the ship that you were expecting (e.g. “I saw that this ship was a freighter with a built-in escape pod, so make sure it has that”).

    However, I’ve already taken a stab at this, and I should have a version of this ship up on the site later today or tomorrow.

  5. Peter Thompson EotE updates » Blog Archive » Several new maps added

    […] promised back in this late August post, I’ve added my work done on the Fandom Comics module (“Escape From Smuggler’s […]

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